
Preprints / Under Review

  1. Hallgrimur Thorsteinsson, Valdemar J. Henriksen, Tong Chen, Raghavendra Selvan: Adversarial Fine-tuning of Compressed Neural Networks for Joint Improvement of Robustness and Efficiency, preprint, 2024. [link, code]

  2. Tong Chen, Raghavendra Selvan: Is Adversarial Training with Compressed Datasets Effective?, preprint, 2024. [link, code]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Tong Chen, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Victor Magron, Edouard Pauwels: Semialgebraic representation of monotone deep equilibrium models and applications to certification, published in NeurIPS, 2021. [bib, link, code]

  2. Tong Chen, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Victor Magron, Edouard Pauwels: Semialgebraic Optimization for Lipschitz Constants of ReLU Networks, published in NeurIPS, 2020. [bib, link, code]

Journal Articles

  1. Tong Chen, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, Victor Magron, Edouard Pauwels: A Sublevel Moment-SOS Hierarchy for Polynomial Optimization, published in Computational Optimization and Applications, 2022. [bib, link, code]